Since 2019 HTP High Tech Plastics GmbH is associated partner in the WoodC.A.R. research project. As a specialist for technologically sophisticated injection moulding technologies, together with its engineering partner IB STEINER, HTP High Tech Plastics GmbH is the central point for a successful implementation of the wood hybrid technology into series production.
Technically sophisticated lightweight construction products based on wood (Engineered Wood Products) can be developed virtually using CAE (Computer Aided Engineering). For the automotive industry, WoodC.A.R.'s research partners have designed, calculated and tested crash stressed structural components using the new methods. A side impact beam in wood-hybrid construction is 20% lighter, has a 30% lower greenhouse gas potential and yet achieves the energy absorption capacity of a side impact beam made of high-strength steel at comparable manufacturing costs.
+ 20 % lighter
+ 30 % lower global warming potential
... at equal performance
Technically sophisticated lightweight construction products based on wood (Engineered Wood Products) can be developed virtually using CAE (Computer Aided Engineering). For the automotive industry, WoodC.A.R.'s research partners have designed, calculated and tested crash stressed structural components using the new methods. A side impact beam in wood-hybrid construction is 20% lighter, has a 30% lower greenhouse gas potential and yet achieves the energy absorption capacity of a side impact beam made of high-strength steel at comparable manufacturing costs.
+ 20 % lighter
+ 30 % lower global warming potential
... at equal performance
Functionalisation of wooden components by overmoulding with plastics, including biopolymers, increases the ease of assembly of lightweight components and leads to improved surface properties in outdoor applications.
The overmoulding is carried out by conventional injection moulding and by means of the linear EXJECTION technology with all its well-known advantages.
If plastics made from renewable raw materials are used in addition to wood, the wood-hybrid technology can be used to meet the requirements for lightweight components in line with the sustainable ecological change aimed for in the EU Green Deal, without having to compromise on component properties and cost-effectiveness.

Wood in Pole-Position
HTP High Tech Plastics GmbH in Fohnsdorf has built up expertise in the production of hybrid components made of wood and plastic. Together with IB STEINER and partners of WoodC.A.R., sustainable solutions made of wood and plastic are developed and manufactured for interested parties, using all advantages of the wood-hybrid technology to the benefit of our and your customers.
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